
Showing posts from October, 2022

Some Unsolved Mysteries

  I grew up reading Enid Blyton books and the mysteries in the famous five and secret seven books fascinated me. However there are still current work mysteries that still baffle me. Read on for more clarity.   The last couple of years has been an employee market with hiring demand skyrocketing across certain skill sets  and the unprecedented nature of the same has created challenging situations for the talent acquisition team. Recruiters surely would have faced at least one or more situation below in their day to day operations and this is just a wake up call for us to mitigate these situations. Have you encountered any of these below mysteries? Add on in the comments section…   The case of the missing candidate This is the most popular category for recruiters. After careful selection and negotiation you offer and hope the candidate shows up. Thrown in pre joiner gifts , connects and any strategies you can think of but on the day of joining you will not fi...