What's your WhatsApp group?

No, not asking about the 101 WhatsApp group you are a part of , but asking about your
"bloodgroup" on WhatsApp. Still wondering what I am talking about. Read on...

The basic groups fall into broadly one of these categories  A,B,AB and O.

A: All rounder and Active. Will be a part of every group, update , share, forward vehemently till fingers hurt and the blue tick gives you such a high. A can be admin too as folks with this blood group would love to create subgroups for further sharing of the same information.
1998 XYZ school
1998 XYZ School Section A
1998 XYZ School Section A Core group
......... and most probably you are the admin across all these groups. You should also be an active member of atleast 15+ such groups.

B: Bindas Bragger Bandha. You are the center of attention across most whats app groups and comments/questions are all directed to you. You use this also as a medium to share regular status and updates and post pictures from your travel. Of course another social media channel to Brag doesn't hurt. Seldom will type B comment on others achievements except to say " Oh been there done that. No big deal".

O:Objectionable and Offensive. You are just using this as a medium to vent your frustrations, pick a fight and pretty much disagree to what the majority are saying. Its not too common unlike other blood groups and wont mix with the rest of the groups.

Uncle 1 shared the forward again for the second time in a week. O group will respond immediately with " This is why I keep track of all your forwards and you are sending this again for the second time and I also don't agree with it either".O exits group.
2 secs later O is added again by A to the group

AB: Another brick in the wall. Exact opposite of type A, don't want to participate in these pointless discussions with no result and may once is a while be seen as
AB is typing......
But that's it. AB type will remain another brick in the wall and you will never hear what they had to say

These are the common types and you will have versions of A+, O- or AB+ and so on. If managed reading it share it across WhatsApp group whatever type you are.

Image result for whats app group


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