Farewell and goodbyes are hard. They make you think about the happy times and memories you have created with the people and organization you have been associated with. One thing that got me thinking was this common thread from my high school farewell to my current work one. It was only about the happy moments, the fun, the learning and whatever it is that created an impact. From my school and college farewell I have note books filled with special words outlining the impact I had on others. At work, recently it's been emails and calls with your colleagues and friends and leaders in the organization who definitely will have something nice to say about you. Even if slightly exaggerated it is still a feel good factor. Isn't that what relationships are?

Whether it's 12 years or 3 years you have spent, in your own way there is always a positive impact you would have created. Why am I saying this? Because only when there is a goodbye we are able to let go take a step back look at the larger picture and thank someone for a job well done. I don't mean to say that everyday should be a farewell but in retrospect why not? Think about it, there is atleast one person you can thank in your circle of influence everyday. This is more of a note to myself , as I rarely take this time to pause and reflect. Selfishly being the recepient has made it even more striking for me. Take that time to thank the person who made a difference to you. Initially I think it will seem exaggerated but as a habit it sure will go a long way. Am trying and this post is a note to self to do it. Why wait to give that eulogy? Start when you can and keep celebrating!

Oh yes! I am overwhelmed with positivity and thought should carry it forward.


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